Sports Injury Rehab

Osteopathy plays an integral part in the multi-disciplinary approach to the management of sports injuries. The aim of Osteopathy is to treat and fully rehabilitate the athlete post-injury  to prevent further injury and to return the athlete to sport in the shortest...

Osteopathy and Pain Management

With a holistic approach to patient care—encompassing the integration of structure and function, emotional and social aspects of health and healing, and a more investigative biopsychosocial approach to pain assessment and management—Osteopaths are uniquely positioned...

What is a Trigger Point?

Most muscular aches and pains are caused or affected by untreated “trigger points,” localized tender spots in muscles. Understanding and treating these points can lead to rapid and lasting pain relief. Trigger point therapy is a powerful tool in the management of both...

Family Fitness Exercises

As a parent, it is important for you to encourage your children to be physically active. A child should try to do at least 40–60 minutes of exercise each day. To achieve this goal, plan some family togetherness time. Here are some easy ways to reach that goal...

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS, is one of the most common causes of pain that is felt on the outside of the knee. It is most common in runners, hikers and cyclists, but any athlete who plays sports that require repeated knee flexion can find themselves dealing with...