“Pain is Australia’s third most costly health problem and arguably the developed world’s largest ‘undiscovered’ health priority.” – Professor Michael Cousins AM, Chair National Pain Strategy.

National Pain Week is on the 20th-26th July 2015

Osteopaths play a critical role in assisting people to live with chronic pain.

Chronic pain is long-lasting, ongoing pain that doesn’t go away and affects the quality of life of those affected. It can be severe. It is estimated that 60-83% of Australian aged care residents are affected. Alarmingly, chronic pain is often seen as ‘normal part of ageing.’ It isn’t!

Patients with chronic pain often receive the same approach to treatment that would be applied to acute pain. However, this treatment is generally ineffective, contributing to only a 30 percent reduction in pain, on average.

Also, treatment is not ‘one size fits all’ but needs to be person-specific. Substantial evidence shows that patients with chronic pain who are engaged in active approaches to manage their pain have less disability than those who are engaged in passive therapies, such as taking medication or surgery.

If you live with pain we can help you understand it and manage it.